MLB has launched a section of their baseball juggernaut of team websites called "MLB Fan Value Corner".

I'd call it the "We're stuck with all those crappy, often rainy (and in the Cubs' case SNOWY) friggin April Games and we want you to feel like we really care about bilking you out of your last dollar selling you lower than half-price tickets that you probably wouldn't want to buy anyway since you just spent your last paycheck paying off the interest on your high definition tv which gets the games just fine! Corner" .
But then, I'm probably not so good at marketing.
Anyway, if somehow you didn't manage to get some decent tickets this year (i might have extras - call me) and still want to catch a game in probably less than perfect weather conditions, or are a college student not concerned about possibly having your view partially obstructed by a support beam or skybox , you might be able to get an affordable ticket to our beloved national pasttime.
Ed also contributes various rantings to his own blog , VirtualCheeseBlogger
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