This is a bad idea. How are we supposed to have a Cinderella-Story-Ending if he's back in the minors?!?!
Oh... wait... I see. Jim Hendry, you are a genius! Put him back in the minors for a month or two and then bring him back in August or September to bail us out of whatever mess the Cubs get into.
OK, carry on! But if I don't see Mr. Scales return to Chicago in August, HEADS WILL ROLL!!!! (metaphorically)
"I pity the fool who don't get more runs!" Now if he'd actually SAID that, the Cubs might have broken their losing streak.
Upcoming guest conductors for the rest of the week: Tuesday - Jason Michael Carroll Wednesday - Tyrus Thomas Thursday - William Petersen Friday - Joe Mantegna Saturday - Larry King Sunday - Bruce Weber
Well, not exactly 40 years yet, but it seems like no one is even acknowledging this. All I want to know is.. Has anyone... in all this time... considered...possibly... maybe... letting a white cat roam across the field in front of Lou Piniella and then running behind whoever happens to be playing 3rd base (get well soon, Ramirez!) while he's on deck?
click on photo for Chicago Tribune article.
Everyone's been concentrating on that OTHER animal. Maybe it's time to shift gears.
OK, fine. You're not going to bother giving in to these "silly superstitions". Then someone stop by the clubhouse and tell Lou to start giving these guys more batting practice or something! This is friggin ridiculous!!! Yes, more ridiculous than a freakin animal curse!
The trade is approved by San Diego, but does Peavy want to play for the American League? Last time we checked, he's said he'd rather play in the NL.
And if Peavy passes on the White Sox.... could the Cubs make him an offer he can't refuse?
We Cub fans are used to hoping for unlikely scenarios. Come on, Peavy! Give us a hint of your intentions (to join the Cubs) in your inevitable interview. Maybe just a brief nod to the North Siders; a "Holy Cow, this was a tough decision, but...".